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A single father of two young children was recently laid off from his construction job due to lack of work. He needs to pay December rent, which is $1000, to avoid eviction. He has lived there consistently for 7 years, and this is the first time he's run into the hardship of not being able to pay rent on time. He has been going to all the local churches and Salvation Army., etc, to get portions of rent paid. He is able to cover the last hundred or two, but he's doing his best to just find  one time assistance so he can get back on his feet. He is applying for unemployment, which will take a few weeks to get the money if he qualifies, so December rent is really the only need he has, as he is actively looking for another job. So far, Salvation Army seems to be providing $200, Parkside Church is providing $200, and Cedar Hills and North Summit church will process their benevolence request forms within a week or two. This leaves around $600 so far that is not pledged, with a $50 late fee incurred after the 5th of January.  

A single father of two needs help so they don't get evicted

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